Sunday, January 3, 2010

And so it begins...

Ok, here goes...My name is Aleisha, and I'm fat. That is a really simple headline for a very large and complicated problem. "I'm fat" holds within it a terrible truth that has become my reality. I'm fat = I'm apathetic, I'm lazy, I'm depressed most of the time, I'm unhealthy (scarily so, at times), I'm less of a mother than I could be, and I'm less of a wife than I could be, I have no passion, I have no direction, and there are times where it feels like I have no purpose. In short, I am a shell of what I once was...of what I want to be. There is a "her" in my mind's eye. She is healthy and vibrant, fun and alive, life-giving to others, and full of energy. She is a great wife, she lives with passion, she is a mother that has the energy to raise her children with fervor. So, what to do...

For starters, have a great friend. In this case, it's Heather. There is nothing like having support and encouragement (not to mention, the occasional butt-kick:) from someone who loves you unconditionally, and vice versa. Our goal is the Austin Marathon...Valentine's Day 2011. There will be milestones that precede that date, and when it comes to weight, I have a much longer journey than she does, but the important thing is - we will do it together. We will overcome the obstacles we face mentally, spiritually, and physically, so that we can be all that we were meant to that our life isn't just is LIVED!

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